Thursday, February 2, 2012

13 Working Mom Shortcuts I can’t live without

  1. Wash-and-go $13 haircut from cheap haircut place (buy ten get one free too!)
  2. The 30-minute laundry wash cycle
  3. Online banking and bill pay (does Anybody balance checkbooks any more?)
  4. Planned leftovers (better the second go-round!)
  5. Juiceboxes, gogurt, bananas and cereal bars
  6. My Nook - especially Free Fridays!
  7. Online library services - Did you know you can 'order' up to 25 books online and they'll notify you when they're ready for pickup?L ove the Chesterfield County library!
  8. The daycare bag (though often forgotten) - For all the art, notices and show-and-tell items so I can manage to hold everything out the door.
  9. Saved passwords in drafts - Maybe the best idea I ever had. All important online passwords I saved in 'draft email' form... so I can access anywhere even on my....
  10. Smart phone. I heart it. I may buy it a valentine's gift.
  11. A Google calendar for each of us, plus a family one, all merged with my work calendar. Sync, sync and sync!
  12. Hummus and pureed pumpkin. Shhh... they'll never know there's healthy stuff on the grilled cheese or in the spaghetti sauce!
  13. The Wii. OK I'm not sure if I can live without it yet or not, but it's my new workout tool.

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